Friday, August 17, 2012

New Study - Catholicism Series!

What will this year's Bible study at St. John's give to each one of us, as participants? At this time no one can know. But hopefully our selected nametag verse will point us in the right direction! Our verse comes from Mark 1:37 - "...and on finding Him [the disciples] said, 'Everyone is looking for you'."
Whether the world knows it or not, everyone is looking for Jesus! I'm assuming that all of us interested in the Bible study at St. John's have heard of Jesus; we have heard His word in the Gospels and the rest of Scripture to one degree or another but are we "looking for Him"?

We generally look for someone when we want to find that person - not someone who resembles that person, not someone with the same name but totally different features, values, and heredity, not someone we can make into that person. If we've heard of a recently discovered relative or want to do our family tree to know our 'roots', it's amazing how much time and effort we can put into trying to find a person, where they came from, their 'story', knowing how they're connected to us, how their life may have impacted ours. Sometimes we will even put hours or months into trying to find something!

Will we put that much effort into truly looking for Jesus in this year's study, in our lives? Do we truly desire to 'know' Him, not just in our heads, not just a bunch of facts or quotes we can say we understand and rattle off, but do we truly desire to know Him, personally? Will we learn to look for Him in our prayer time, in the Mass and other Sacraments, in each other - in every moment of our day? Will we make Him our priority, setting other distractions aside, and seeking Him who promises us more than we can even begin to imagine? Let's give that some thought and prayer as we approach this year's study, "The Catholicism Series"

"Lord, as we take our first step in this year's study, point us in the right direction - help us to seek and find You! Help us to be open to seek the Truth and the Beauty of the Church and grow in relationship with You and each other, sharing what we find and bringing You to others!"

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